Sunday, March 20, 2005

The birth of my blog

Hello, readers in the distant future (I can only assume you're reading this in the archive, since it will likely take a while for this blog to pick up steam).

My name is Daniel Sanchez, and this is the new home for my ideas. Your ideas are always welcome to visit.

My posts will be largely political, but I reserve the right to muse about broader culture.

First off, I am what is now called classic liberal or libertarian (although certainly not a driver's licence-burning extremist), and what used to be called just plain liberal.

That means I believe in freedom in broad terms: free people and free markets (both of which I see as impossible without the other).

I'll elucidate quite a bit in the future, as this will be a recurring theme in my writings.



At 2:42 PM, Blogger Daniel said...

Thanks, dsesquire! I really hope that term will be reclaimed from the lefties, and no longer be used as an insult by Republicans.


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